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Gabi collins,
Joe smith, And
In Memory of Suzy Conn
Suzy came into our care from a small farm, as it was believed that she was blind from birth. Suzy had a difficult time nursing and the farmers didn’t have the desire to bottle-feed her, so we arranged for her rescue!
Upon her arrival at the sanctuary, it was clear that she had some neurological symptoms, including spinning uncontrollably in one direction. However, while visually impaired, we could tell that she could at least see shadows, and so she got around just fine. After a full medical work up at the hospital, it was determined that overall, Miss Suzy is healthy! She simply has a small brain, which explains her uniqueness and just adds to her character. She’s perfect just the way she is and lives in her own little world!
Sponsor Suzy for a Year
$44.00 every month
Sponsor Suzy for a Month