Sponsor Kaleb for a Month

Sponsor Kaleb for a Month
When you sponsor an animal for a month you will make a HUGE impact on the animal’s life by helping provide food, bedding and vet care. With your donation, you will receive an email with pictures and a certificate of sponsorship as well as a coupon for one free Sanctuary Stroll to be redeemed upon arrival. Come out and meet the animals you’ve sponsored—so they can thank you themselves!
Kaleb came to us with his “brothers” Ollie and Cookie after suffering from extreme frostbite months prior. The frostbite was so extreme that all three kids lost portions of their ears, tails and hind legs. Kaleb, arguably, suffered the most. After losing a portion of his back leg, it was evident he needed a larger portion of the leg amputation one of his back legs died slowly and after part of it fell offered. The veterinarian who performed the amputation did so without anesthesia. By the time Kaleb came into our care, he still had an open wound and a bone spur from the brutal procedure. We were able to fit Kaleb for a prosthetic, but after months of observation, we determined he was more agile and mobile without it. Kaleb is the peacekeeper in the Misfit Barn and has been know to put his body between animals who get a little too rowdy.
To gift this sponsorship to someone you love, see the instructions below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This sponsorship includes a certificate for download. No physical item will be shipped. You will automatically receive an order confirmation email, followed by an email containing a link to your certificate and information about your sponsored resident. You will then have 24 hours to open and download the sponsorship packet. You are welcome to print anything in the packet, or you may download it and send it to your gift recipient by email. The Sanctuary Stroll pass included with the download may only be used once.